Hardware Is Great. Hardware-as-a-Service Is Xyte!
Cloudify your products and introduce as-a-Service business models


Embrace New Opportunities

The HaaS business model offers manufacturers enormous potential for growth. To translate these opportunities into tangible, lasting results, hardware manufacturers need a robust solution that can manage this new dimension – simply, intuitively, and at scale.From providing better service through feature enablement to a full HaaS solution, Xyte has the complete feature set you need to embrace the subscription economy.
Astound your hardware with remote management
Improving overall customer satisfaction while maximizing customers’ lifetime value (LTV) is a key factor in building a successful HaaS business.Xyte’s built-in Support Center and managed services capabilities help you to offer your customers an unparalleled support experience.
Save on Inventory, Cut Costs, and Maximize Upsell Opportunities

Enhance your flexibility and create new revenue streams by offering end users a choice of custom feature sets for your products. Xyte’s digital products help you minimize the number of SKUs and product variants in your inventory by allowing you to remotely toggle device features.Digital products don't just simplify inventory management and reduce manufacturing complexity, but also open up a whole new set of recurring revenue and upselling opportunities.
Move from CapEx to OpEx
Offering subscription models not only impacts the potential total revenue and profitability per device, but also creates a competitive edge and helps you win more deals. Customers often prefer OpEx over CapEx, and have dedicated OpEx budgets to spend.
Build a Long-Term Relationship with Your Customers

Monetize new business models that are centered around customers, not products. Besides moving them to OpEx-based as-a-Service models, launching a subscriber platform allows you to build a direct, strong, recurring relationship with your customers and support their evolving needs.
“We were looking for a cloud solution to support our connected devices and evaluated several options. Xyte was the only provider offering the end-to-end solution that we and our customers were looking for.”